A good copper conductor has one of the highest electrical conductivity rates among metals, which allows it to be soldered with ease. It also makes it possible for smaller conductors to be used to transmit power loads. Smaller conductors are easier to transport and install, and they cost less, which helps manage wiring costs. A good copper conductor doesn’t undergo the same extreme expansion and contraction cycles as aluminum so it is a more stable material to use.
A good copper conductor has high ductile property, copper can be formed into very fine wire, making it more versatile. And a good copper conductor has a high tensile strength as well, so it can undergo extreme stress but show minimal signs of wear and tear. This makes the wiring more durable than aluminum. Due to its great resilience, high durability, low maintenance, and high performance, a good copper conductor also adds to home value.
What are the criteria for the inspection of a good copper conductor? The main grade of copper used for electrical applications is electrolytic-tough pitch (ETP) copper. This copper is at least 99.90% pure and has an electrical conductivity of at least 101% .If high conductivity copper needs to be welded or brazed or used in a reducing atmosphere, and then oxygen-free copper may be used.
Why is a good copper conductor than other metals? It is just because good copper conductor can improve energy utilization ratio.
read more...(http://energy-saving-copper-tile-for-furnace.com)