Most of the China copper tile factories are small scale, and the copper tile is usually as the accessories, the main production are various kinds of ore heat furnace.The number of plans that specializing in the production of conductive copper tile, and size of more than 6000 square meters of copper tile manufacturers in China less than three, Mingwang plant in Gansu province is one of the family.
Mingwang’s production of conductive copper tile because of its more efficient energy saving, also called as green tile during the industry, popular by customers.As a member of China copper tile factory , Mingwang plant has been to maintain the strict production of attitude and professional production technology constantly breakthrough innovation, strive to do the first numner in China copper tile industry .
Professional production line and technical team, excellent product quality, reasonable price, are the biggest advantage of Mingwang plant, we will concentrate on good conductive copper tile, bring our products to a much broader market, make more customers have the opportunity to feel our high quality of China copper tile factory, become the outstanding representative of Customized conductive tiles.
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